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 13 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Carl Newman"Advanced Search
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Landscape with Pond--Newman's Yard, ca. 1915-1932. Creator: Carl Newman.
Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1915-1916. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Landscape with Red Roof Building), ca. 1880-1910. Creator: Carl Newman.
Landscape, ca. 1909-1914. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Head of a Young Girl Facing Her Left), before 1910. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Lady Reflected in Mirror), before 1910. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Crucifixion), before 1932. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Women in Landscape with Blue Border), before 1932. Creator: Carl Newman.
Church with Cedar Tree on Left, before 1932. Creator: Carl Newman.
Nude, ca. 1915-1916. Creator: Carl Newman.
Spirit of Christmas, ca. 1915-1920. Creator: Carl Newman.
Portrait of the Artist's Wife, Helene, 1896. Creator: Carl Newman.
(Adam and Eve), before 1932. Creator: Carl Newman.